
by Nora Koller October 26, 2016

What Causes Plaque Build up on Your Teeth and What You Can Do About It






When plaque builds up on your teeth, it can quickly turn to tartar, which is a major cause of bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. So, what causes it and what can you do to get rid of that pesky plaque before it turns into more of a problem?

When my patients come in for a clean, I often see tartar stuck hard to their teeth as a result of not cleaning off the plaque regularly, or effectively. Plaque is that furry film you can often feel with your tongue when you haven’t brushed your teeth.

What causes plaque on your teeth?

It starts with the food and sugary drinks we consume every day. The food particles and sugars in drinks mix with saliva to form plaque, which the bacteria in our mouths thrive upon, producing acid.

If you don’t deal with the plaque buildup on your teeth quickly, within 72 hours (and with a little help from your saliva glands), it can turn into hard tartar, which has to be scraped off by your dentist or dental hygienist. Plaque can easily stick to the rough surface of tartar, and so the whole cycle starts again resulting in a buildup.

Plaque and a sugarloaded diet can caues oral health issues like gum disease (gingivitis), cavities and tooth decay, so it is really important to stay on top of it.

Both plaque and tartar are also major cause of bad breath (halitosis), which is a huge problem for many people. For lots of my patients, it affects their confidence and everyday interactions with people.

So what can you do about it?

The absolute best way to deal with plaque is to make sure you have an effective daily teeth-cleaning routine.

The most important thing is to remove the food particles from between the teeth to prevent the plaque building up. Using interdental brushes is a much more effective way to remove these particles compared to flossing, and lots of my patients find it easier.

Follow these simple steps twice a day and you won’t have to worry about plaque or inflicting anyone with unpleasant bad breath.

  1. Clean the spaces between your teeth with interdental brushes.
  2. Use a tongue scraper to clean the bacteria off your tongue (it contains 60-80% of our mouth bacteria).
  3. Brush your teeth carefully, trying to focus on each one at a time.
  4. Finish with mouthwash, swilling it around your mouth and teeth for 30 seconds.

You can also help to reduce plaque buildup on your teeth by eating a less sugary diet, but it’s still important to enjoy life a little, of course!

Plaque is something that we’ll always have to deal with due to our diet and lifestyle, but by spending just 10 minutes a day, we can eliminate its impact on our health and social interactions.

Start with just 5 minutes more oral care per day and increase from there. You’ll see a massive difference in how your teeth look and your breath smells!








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