
by Nora Koller December 5, 2016

3 Reasons for the White Coating on Your Tongue and What to Do About It

Did you know that the white coating on your tongue is one of the biggest causes of bad breath and plaque that sticks to your teeth?

As an experienced dental hygienist, I see a lot of my patients with this problem and they are often also suffering from bad breath, gum disease and tooth decay.

For some, it shatters their confidence and affects their daily interactions with people, which has a big affect on many aspects of their life.

If you suffer from the same problem and are wondering what causes a white tongue, I’ve listed below the main reasons for this unpleasant white coating and what you can do to get rid of it.




3 possible reasons for a white tongue

Poor Dental Hygiene Routine

According to the University of Basel in Switzerland, 60% to 80% of your mouth bacteria are located on your tongue and most of the rest exists as plaque between your teeth. Our mouth and tongue shape provide an optimal environment for this bacteria to prosper, so without an effective dental cleaning routine to keep on top of it, you will experience oral health issues stemming from white tongue and plaque buildup.


Everything from dehydration, stress, smoking, alcohol and the food you eat can contribute to developing a white film on your tongue. It is now thought that tongue piercings and meat consumption could also be factors in the build up of bacteria on your tongue.


There are some medical conditions that can cause the white coating on your tongue including dry mouth, hairy tongue, sinusitis and postnasal drip. Also conditions like periodontitis, gingivitis, and caries thrive because of the bacteria on your tongue. So, cleaning your tongue twice a day can make a significant difference in the healing of these conditions (see below cleaning advice).
The Solution

The good news is, that 9 out of 10 people can eliminate white tongue and the resulting bad breath (otherwise known as halitosis), by having an effective teeth cleaning routine, and by visiting your dentist or dental hygienist just once per year.


My Bacteria-Busting Daily Routine:

  1. Use interdental brushes as the most effective way to clean the plaque between your teeth and stop it from turning into harmful tar that causes gum disease (gingivitis) and the white coating on your tongue.



  1. Before brushing, clean your tongue with a tongue scraper. Start from the back of the tongue and scrape the white film off towards the front tip. Do this twice a day.
  2. Then brush your teeth (once in the morning and once at night).


  1. Complete your teeth cleaning routine with a 30 second swill of mouthwash.

It’s that easy.


Spending just 10 minutes every day on your dental hygiene routine will result in a healthy tongue and disease free gums. Which means you’ll get rid of embarrassing smelly breath and the white coating on your tongue, have less cavities, encourage better and faster periodontitis healing, and eliminate the unattractive red and swollen gums you experience with gingivitis.

After a short time, you’ll not only have a beautiful smile, but you’ll also have way more confidence when interacting with friends, colleagues and loved ones, knowing you’re not inflicting them with unpleasant, bad breath.

Any questions? Drop me a line




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